Saturday, 10 May 2014

New App Launcher Position Coming To Chrome OS


Google are experimenting with having the Chrome OS App Launcher in the middle of the Desktop compared to the normal Desktop OS position of in the lower left hand side of the Desktop, at present the new App Launcher position is hidden behind a Chrome flag.

[caption id="attachment_2137" align="aligncenter" width="300"]The current position of the Chrome OS App Launcher The current position of the Chrome OS App Launcher[/caption]

In my mind the new position of the App Launcher in the middle of the Desktop is more suited to touchscreen Chromebooks than to none touchscreen Chromebooks. This new middle of the Desktop position could also mean that Google are toying with the idea of removing the App Launcher from the shelf and turning the Search key into a Chrome Key, since the Search key also opens the App Launcher, or Google are toying with the idea of an Arm based Chrometab and an intel based Chrometab Pro.

Screenshot 2014-05-10 at 15.54.38

I prefer the traditional position of the App Launcher being positioned in on the lower left hand side of the Desktop & hope that once it’s implemented the Chrome flag stays to allow it to be put back to where it currently is or they add an option to change it back in Settings.


Now over to you the reader do you prefer the App Launcher in it’s current position or does the new position sound better?



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